this gives you the idea of the mood

Will is wearing Patrick's vest and his belt buckle.
Check out Reese behind him with her suede cowboy boots

Erynn was very brave and gracious........Oh and beautiful!

This melts my heart!

Thanks for the escort Sean

The bride and groom

The bride and groom riding off into the sunset
An internal storm brewed inside of me leading up to the wedding. I was so worried that I couldn't do it without Bill or Patrick there. Either I would be crying the whole time or I'd just be blah. In fact in the days before I did have a few meltdowns and so I pleaded with the Lord to take my hand and sit beside me through this. He did! He met me were I needed and with the help of amazing family and friends I actually enjoyed myself. I could celebrate Sean and Jana, with a few tears mind you, and laughter! It was beautiful as you can see. Congratulations Sean and Jana!
Such a beautiful wedding. Love little W&R's outfits. How exciting he could wear P's vest and buckle. I was thinking of you and Erynn lots that weekend, as always.
I never get tired of looking at these pictures. You did wonderfully Deb as did Erynn with the support and love of your family and friends. Even with all this though, being alone without them at that time had to be so emotional and hard!
Ahh the wedding was gorgeous...so were you and Erynn...two strong, beautiful women! :) Thinking of you always...xoxo...BIG hugs :)
I 'met' Erynn online years ago. I follow her blog that ultimately led me to yours. Your post made me cry. You seem like such a lovely lady and so very kind. I can feel the bond you have with Erynn and I hope that you continue to support each other through the hard times. I am glad that you have Will and Reese in your life and I hope that their presence comforts you. So glad that you found the strength to enjoy your sons wedding. I can only image how emotional it must have been. While we have never met, I pray and think of you on this difficult journey. Bec.
what a beautiful wedding!
Hi. I enjoy reading your blog and my heart breaks for you and Erynn everyday. I met Erynn online years ago and immediately knew that she is a special person. I found your blog through hers. Your latest post reminded me of a song that I love and I want you to listen to it if you haven't already. http://5purposedriven.wordpress.com/2007/10/08/video-the-more-i-seek-you-by-kari-jobe/
I can just picture myself sitting at His feet the same way he sat with you at the wedding.
Always sending prayers your way!!!
I listened to the song and it was beautiful. Beautiful words and music to capture a beautiful image. Thanks for passing it on. I'd encourage everyone to listen to it
My heart goes out to you and your family, and I pray for you and Erynn frequently. There may never be an answer to "Why?" so long as we are on this side of Paradise . . . but He is indeed with you, and I am so glad that you felt His presence and strength on the wedding day. Congratulations on your new daughter!
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