Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Missing them

I just miss them. All of them. Bill, Patrick, my Dad, my grandparents, Uncle Dan, Jeff Baker, Aunt Marilyn, Maryann Shappi, Princess Dianna, Tim Russert and so many more. Death is a part of life. We will all die eventually, some sooner than others. I guess that's what I'm coming to grips with.

It makes me sad nonetheless. I can cry at the drop of a pin. Is that a good thing? Not really, what's the question when faced with death? It can't be meaningless! I think that it's hard on this side of heaven to accept the fact that they're gone but think about it.....if they believe, they're experiencing glory that we cannot comprehend. Halleluiah!

We can all have that assurance when we die. Thank you Lord! It doesn't take much. Just repeat after me: "Lord, I want to know you in an intimate way! Please come into my life, I want to know you for myself. I'm a sinner and I've done wrong and I'm unable to save myself. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to take away my sins and He rose from the dead to give me eternal life. I accept the sacrifice that He made for me and want Him to take control of my life. AMEN"

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